Video: Presiding Bishop shares message of joy following royal wedding

Posted May 19, 2018


Comments (28)

  1. Lawrence Head says:

    As a member of Chicago’s Church of St. Edmund and more importantly a Christian I applaud your wedding sermon and will share your message with family and friends.May God continue to bless you as an apostle of love.

  2. Paula Wicker Hamby says:

    Bishop Curry, you have given the everyone the real power of Jesus’ ministry…LOVE! Prayers and appreciation for you as leader of our church. I am so glad I am an Episcopalian because my job is not to judge but to love, and that is a lifelong journey!

  3. Larry Waters says:

    The Rev. Dr. Mann: I addressed MLK and slavery in my post and questioned why did Bishop Curry politicize a wedding. I said nothing about Jesus as a rabbi/teacher preacher etc. In my view, a wedding is NOT a venue to discuss MLK and slavery-a wedding is about the bride/groom and hopes for their happiness.

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