See the church of tomorrow, today!

TryTank Experimental Laboratory
Posted Oct 24, 2022

TryTank has released a short documentary film about what the church might be like in 10 years.

  • It’s titled “The (possible) Future of the Church.”

Why it matters: While it is impossible to predict the future, strategic foresight allows us to look at plausible future scenarios. This way, leaders can plan with more insight into the future.

  • TryTank’s executive director, the Rev. Lorenzo Lebrija, was trained as a foresight strategist (futurist) at the Institute for the Future in Palo Alto, CA.

Go deeper: The 10-minute film presents three church scenarios in 2032. They are:

  • Distributed church
  • Authentic do-it-yourself spirituality
  • Blended reality experiences

The bottom line: “Our aim is for this film to act as a catalyst for conversation,” says Rev. Lebrija. “We must have honest conversations about the church’s future now.”

The new film is available on TryTank’s website: