EPPN: Faith values for a national budget

Posted May 23, 2017

[Episcopal Public Policy Network policy alert] President Trump is expected to release his federal budget request May 23. This budget request is one important component of the fiscal year 2018 appropriations and budget process. Read the Office of Government Relations resource on the federal budget to educate yourself on this process ahead of upcoming action alerts.

The U.S. federal budget is a blueprint that highlights the values and priorities of the United States Government. This spending plan and the appropriations process that follows designates funding for critical international development, refugee, environmental, and domestic human needs programs.

As Episcopalians, we have a role to play in the budget process through urging members of Congress to develop a budget that reflects our values, including funding for creation care and programs that support the needs of low-income and at-risk populations, at home and abroad.

Moreover, undertaking advocacy is a crucial component of the For Such a Time as This campaign, an ecumenical initiative for poverty alleviation that Bishop Michael Curry invites all Episcopalians to engage.

Before we advocate, let’s educate ourselves and our congregations about the U.S. budget. This week, we will take time to learn about how the appropriations process works and ways that we can leverage our Episcopal voice to influence this important process.

Take Action:

     1. Read through our Office of Government Relations resource on the federal budget and the additional resources listed within it. Share this one-pager with the members of your congregation and encourage them to read up on the federal budget process. 

     2. Organize a dialogue in your congregation to discuss the values that your faith community hopes to see included in the federal budget and plan collective advocacy around this critical topic.

     3. Email eppn@episcopalchurch.org to share your story about engaging the federal budget process.
