Episcopal Church responds to opioid epidemic; members invited to participate in survey

Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs
Posted Oct 30, 2019

The Task Force to Respond to the Opioid Epidemic, created by legislation at the 79th General Convention, is seeking input from lay and ordained leaders throughout the church about the local response to the opioid epidemic through the short survey linked in English here, in Spanish here, and in French here.

Resolution 2018-C037 Call to Respond to Opioid Epidemic calls on all dioceses and parishes in The Episcopal Church to respond to the opioid epidemic with training, pastoral care, advocacy, and liturgy. Central to this response are partnerships with local responders and others in the medical community, other faith communities and local recovery programs to offer pastoral care to those affected by this epidemic, and with other faith leaders to advocate with local and state government regarding policies and laws to promote healing and wholeness for those affected by this epidemic.

This brief survey is designed to gather information in two areas: what is currently working in local contexts, as well as what kind of resources are still needed. There are eight survey questions and an open-ended space for sharing additional resource needs. Survey questions include:

Have you offered pastoral support or guidance to an individual or family facing substance use
disorder involving opioids/heroin?

For those who preach: Have you addressed addiction, substance use disorder, opioid/heroin
epidemic, social stigma and discrimination of persons with substance use disorders from the

The information collected will help the Task Force to shape their work as they curate and create resources for real-life, church-based opioid response ministry for use by churches, organizations, and others in the communities we live, work, and worship in.

Please take a few minutes to help with the important work of loving our neighbors that this Task Force has been called to address. Your participation is greatly appreciated!

For more information on the General Convention mandate “2018-C037 Call to Respond to Opioid Epidemic,” click here.

Task Force resource materials will be posted here in the coming months.

Task Force members include:
The Rev. Dina van Klaveren, Chair, Episcopal Diocese of Maryland
The Rev. Amanda Kotval, Vice Chair, Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
The Rev. Jan M. Brown, Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia
Ms. Twyla Wilson, Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina
The Rt. Rev. William Klusmeyer, Episcopal Diocese of West Virginia
Dr. Donna Barten, Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts
The Rt. Rev. Jake Owensby, Episcopal Diocese of Western Louisiana
Mr. Merrick Williams, Episcopal Diocese of Long Island
The Rev. Debra Bennett, Episcopal Diocese of Ohio
The Rev. Canon Katharine Harrigan, Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania
Ms. Amy Cochran, Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio
The Rev. Dr. Benjamin Nelson, Episcopal Diocese of West Texas
The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, president, The Episcopal Church House of Deputies, ex officio
The Most Rev. Michael Curry, presiding bishop, The Episcopal Church, ex officio.
