New report analyzes clergy well-being during pandemic

Posted Jan 7, 2022

[Church of England] A new report detailing how clergy have fared in the COVID-19 pandemic was published on Jan. 6 as part of the latest findings from the Church of England’s Living Ministry research program.

“Clergy Wellbeing in a Time of Covid: Autonomy, Accountability and Support” sets out how clergy have reported on their levels of physical, mental, spiritual, relational and financial well-being during the pandemic. The study also reports on respondents’ perspectives relating to autonomy, accountability and support.

A second Living Ministry research report, “You don’t really get it until you’re in it – meeting the challenges of ordained ministry,” analyzes interviews with 61 clergy on their experiences at key stages of their ministry, including starting curacies and incumbent posts and later in their careers.

Read the entire story here.
