Connecticut Bishop Ian T. Douglas announces plan to retire

Posted Apr 7, 2021

[Episcopal Church in Connecticut] The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas has announced plans to retire in the fall of 2022 and called for the election of the 16th bishop diocesan of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut. The Standing Committee of the diocese gave its consent to both announcements.

Elected in October 2009, Douglas was ordained bishop in April 2010. He has led the diocese in numerous developments, particularly on moving toward a primary focus and commitment to God’s mission of restoration and reconciliation. Other developments include the expansion of a robust and diverse diocesan staff, advanced diocese-wide commitments to antiracism and multiculturalism, dedication to gun violence prevention, care for creation and reimagining the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, resulting in significant changes in the structures and operations of the diocese in order to better participate in the mission of God.

“Serving as your bishop has been the greatest blessing and honor of my ordained ministry,” Douglas said in a letter to the diocese. “In the power of the Holy Spirit, we have embraced the challenges and opportunities of this new missional age. I am excited about the work before us, and I very much look forward to our next year and a half together in service to God’s mission of restoration and reconciliation.”

Douglas came to Connecticut from the Episcopal Divinity School, then located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he was the Angus Dun Professor of Mission and World Christianity for over two decades. He has been active in the wider Episcopal Church as a member of Executive Council, chair of the Standing Commission on World Mission, founder of Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation and Bishops United Against Gun Violence.

Douglas formerly served on the Standing Committee of the Anglican Communion, represented The Episcopal Church on the Anglican Consultative Council, and was a member of the design group for the worldwide 2008 Lambeth Conference of Anglican bishops. He is a widely published author and speaker on topics related to missiology, the missional church, the history of The Episcopal Church, contemporary Anglicanism and world Christianity.

The Episcopal Church in Connecticut will now begin the process of discernment in its search for the next bishop. A Bishop Transition Committee, made up of clergy and laity from across the diocese, will be formed in the near future to oversee the transition process, including identifying nominees for the 16th bishop diocesan.

The new bishop will be elected by clergy and lay delegates from across the diocese at a special diocesan electing convention, scheduled for May 21, 2022. The consecration of the new bishop is scheduled for Oct. 8, 2022.

Douglas’ retirement letter can be found here.
