Bishop of Oregon Michael Hanley announces intention to retire January 2021

Posted May 7, 2019

[Diocese of Oregon] Diocese of Oregon Bishop Michael Hanley on May 6 announced his intention to retire in January 2021 and called for the election of his successor.

In a letter to the diocese, Hanley wrote, “My reasons for this are quite simple. First, it is time for me. By the date of my retirement, I will be 66 years old and I will have served as deacon, priest, or bishop for just under 40 years. I feel that God is now calling me to focus [on my family and] being a parishioner in the church.”

Hanley was ordained and consecrated in April 2010 to lead a diocese of 71 congregations and more than 15,000 parishioners. His ministry has included an emphasis on social justice issues, particularly through expanding the diocesan commitment to Latino ministry and his involvement with Bishops United Against Gun Violence. Hanley also serves as part of the Common Table group of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, which seeks to build relationships between religious leaders and provide a united voice of faith on community topics.

The Standing Committee will oversee the process, which is expected to include an electing convention in June 2020. Further details will be published, but the process typically includes the formation of search and transition committees, the creation of a diocesan profile, and a period of nominations before the slate is announced.

Hanley concluded his letter, “Thank you, good people, for your help and support over these past nine years. Thank you for your prayers and, perhaps most of all, thank you for allowing me into your diocesan family. It has been an honor and privilege to serve the church with you. I look forward to the rest of my time with you as your bishop.”
