New for Episcopal authors: Episcopal Bookshelf

Posted Sep 8, 2014

[Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs press release] Episcopal authors now have a new Bookshelf!

Thanks to Sermons That Work, a new service has been launched, named the Episcopal Bookshelf, to promote books written by Episcopalians. Episcopal Bookshelf is here.

“Although the Sermons That Work website has been offering reviews of books by major publishing houses for several years, Episcopal Bookshelf now provides an opportunity for all Episcopal writers to market their books to other Episcopalians,” explained Sarah Johnson, editor and writer for the Office of Communication.

Sermons That Work, available here, is a popular and heavily utilized website designed for clergy and lay leaders. Sermons That Work website offers free sermons based on the Revised Common Lectionary readings for Sundays and selected feast days. Also available are weekly downloadable bulletin inserts highlighting the history, music, liturgy, mission, and ministry of The Episcopal Church, along with weekly lectionary-based Bible study commentary written by emerging thought leaders from Episcopal seminaries.

To learn more about listing a book on Episcopal Bookshelf, contact Johnson,

Additional links

Sermons That Work RSS feed.

Spanish sermons written by Latino/Hispanic Episcopal clergy specifically for Latino/Hispanic congregations, as well as Spanish bulletin inserts and Spanish Bible study commentary are available on the Sermones que Iluminan (“Sermons That Illuminate”) here.

Sermones que Iluminan RSS feed.

Sermons That Work and Sermones que Iluminan join Episcopal News Service as part of the Episcopal Digital Network, a digital publication network that delivers news and feature stories to more than 200,000 readers each month.
