2014 matching gift challenge exceeds $750,000 anniversary goal

Posted Feb 12, 2015

[Episcopal Relief & Development press release] A generous pledge from a group of committed donors in honor of Episcopal Relief & Development’s 75th Anniversary generated tremendous response during the agency’s annual Matching Gift Challenge. The $750,000 matching amount attracted an astounding $1,013,513 in donations, as Episcopal Relief & Development supporters sought to make their gift go twice as far toward healing a hurting world.

“What an incredible outpouring of support in celebration of our 75th Anniversary, and a wonderful way to invest in our thriving future,” said Joy Shigaki, Episcopal Relief & Development’s Senior Director of Advancement. “This was the largest match amount in the history of the Matching Gift Challenge, and I am continually amazed and inspired by the generosity of our friends and supporters.”

Donations to all funds – including Gifts for Life purchases – were eligible for matching, with the $750,000 match applying to the 75th Anniversary Fund. The overall fundraising goal of the 75-week celebration is to secure $7.5 million to support programs that touch the lives of more than 3 million people in nearly 40 countries. To date, over $5.5 million has been raised, amounting to 74% of the total goal.

Partnering with local Church bodies and affiliated agencies in nearly 40 countries, Episcopal Relief & Development energizes and expands community-based programs that address poverty, hunger and disease. Donations to the 75th Anniversary Fund enable the organization to respond to urgent needs and continue these vital programs across the globe.

For 75 years, Episcopal Relief & Development’s diverse, faithful community has responded compassionately to human suffering worldwide. In partnership with Episcopalians and friends, it has grown from its founding in 1940 as a granting agency into a respected international development organization.

Celebrating this legacy and looking toward a thriving future, supporters are invited to join the 75th Anniversary Celebration by:
•    subscribing to 75 stories over 75 weeks and sharing personal reflections
•    making a special 75th Anniversary contribution or starting a grassroots campaign in dioceses, congregations or schools
•    visiting the traveling photo exhibit online
•    exploring the organization’s rich history and life-saving work worldwide
•    engaging on critical issues through online communities

Helpful information, compelling stories and free campaign resources are available at www.episcopalrelief.org/75.

For more information on Episcopal Relief & Development’s programs, please visit www.episcopalrelief.org/what-we-do.

Episcopal Relief & Development works with more than 3 million people in nearly 40 countries worldwide to overcome poverty, hunger and disease through multi-sector programs that utilize local resources and expertise. An independent 501(c)(3) organization, Episcopal Relief & Development works closely with Anglican Communion and ecumenical partners to help communities rebuild after disasters and develop long-term strategies to create a thriving future. In 2014-15, the organization joins Episcopalians and friends in celebrating 75 Years of Healing a Hurting World.   
