LGBTQ+ Film Series: American Beauty

New York, NY (St. Bartholomew's Church)
May 3
Event Title
LGBTQ+ Film Series: American Beauty
Event Host and/or Location
St. Bartholomew’s Church
What kind of event is it?
Event Details
Film professor and St. Bart’s parishioner Anthony Perrotto hosts a bimonthly film series February 2-May 3, with an introduction, important insights, and commentary for each screening, all with LGBTQ+ themes.

Please enter through the Community House: 109 East 50th Street, between Lexington and Park Avenues.

AMERICAN BEAUTY1999. Directed by Sam Mendes. Kevin Spacey plays Lester Burnham, a middle-aged married man who has lost some hope in life. He has a job that is degrading. Annette Bening, his wife who refuses to show any type of loving emotion towards him, a daughter who practically hates herself, and is judged constantly as a loser. HOMOSEXUAL THEME must be acknowledged. It is there throughout the film and a closeted military neighbor. Executes our main character out of his own self hatred. Watch American Beauty and give yourself some time afterwards to think it over. It does exactly what movies are meant to do – give us a window into ourselves, this masterpiece does that better than any other film has ever done.

Contact name
Veronica Shea