EPPN Alert: Advocacy for Veterans Day

Posted Nov 10, 2015

Advocacy for Veterans Day

“O Trinity of love and power!
Our brethren shield in danger’s hour;
From rock and tempest, fire and foe,
Protect them wheresoe’er they go;
Thus evermore shall rise to Thee
Glad hymns of praise from land and sea”
“Eternal Father Strong to Save”
As we pause this week to remember the courageous sacrifice of the women and men who serve in our armed forces, let us also take action to support the veterans in our community. Our General Convention policy guides us to call on the U.S. Government to give the best possible care to our veterans. Timely access to critical health care, mental health support, and disability compensation ensure that our veterans can lead happy, healthy, and productive lives.

According to Bishop James Magness, Bishop Suffragan for the Armed Forces and Federal Ministries: “The last time we asked so much from so many of our men and women was during the Vietnam War. Today, in the aftermath of our war-fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, once again we have thousands and thousands of combat veterans on the streets of our towns and cities. While some of these veterans have visible combat wounds, many others have invisible wounds that escape the observations of even the most skilled observer. Accordingly, we need to devise and fund new and creative ways to care for these wounded veterans who have served us so well, many of whom have sacrificed much, but are too proud to ask for our help.”

This week, as the Senate considers the Veterans Affairs appropriations bill (H.R. 2029), we have the opportunity to lift up the needs of veterans to policymakers.

Support critical medical care and benefits for veterans today!
