Trial period underway for Anglican Church of Canada’s new gender blessings

Posted Mar 3, 2022

[Anglican Journal (Anglican Church of Canada)] The Anglican Church of Canada has prepared a set of gender-themed liturgies for trial use, including a blessing on gender transition, that the church’s director of faith, worship and ministry says could be the first of their kind for a national church in the Anglican Communion if they are eventually authorized.

On Nov. 6, Council of General Synod (CoGS) voted to commend “Pastoral Liturgies for Journeys of Gender Transition and Affirmation” for study, trial use, evaluation and feedback for a one-year period where permitted by bishops. The liturgies, a supplement to the Book of Alternative Services, include a blessing on the gender transition process, an affirmation of gender identity, additional prayers and pastoral prayer resources, suggested Bible readings and an appropriate hymnody.

Liturgies to mark gender transition and affirmation for transgender Christians are available in a number of Anglican Communion provinces, but primarily at the local or diocesan level, says the Rev. Eileen Scully, director of faith, worship and ministry for General Synod.

Read the entire article here.
