Anglican provinces and agencies around the world issue COVID-19 emergency appeals

Posted Aug 3, 2020

[Anglican Communion News Service] Many Anglican churches and agencies have launched emergency appeals to help harder-hit areas of their own provinces – and harder-hit parts of the world – respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In New Zealand, Anglican missions have launched an appeal called Our Global Response. “In Aotearoa, many Anglicans have not lost their income, and some have even saved money during this period,” the bishop of Wellington, Justin Duckworth, said. “I encourage you to get together in families, house churches and parishes and think creatively about how you can give into these places with great need. Every one of us can support these initiatives in prayer, and if you can give financially, I encourage you to give generously.”

In Australia, two separate appeals have been launched by the Anglican Board of Mission and Anglican Overseas Aid.

Read the entire article here.
