EPPN: Call your senators to protect health care for all

Posted Jul 27, 2017

[Episcopal Public Policy Network policy alert] The United States Senate is now considering a series of measures that would radically remake the way health care is provided in this country, and dramatically change who has access to care. A partial, or “skinny,” repeal of the Affordable Care Act would likely remove the patient protections that the ACA has made mandatory, create de facto high-risk pools by eliminating the individual mandate, and risk further de-stabilization of the health insurance market.

As Episcopalians, we are reminded of and called by a Christ who says, “As you have done to the least of these you have done to me.” We must remind our elected leaders of that Christ-like love for neighbor and protection of the most vulnerable and least served among us.

We recognize the need for health care reform, and we believe that the starting point for reform efforts should be the assurance that no one loses their existing health insurance. We believe Congress can find creative solutions to reduce costs, lower premiums, and ensure that the most vulnerable among us have access to life-saving care. As a sector, health care represents nearly 1/5th of our economy, according to a study by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and so we must call on our elected officials to carefully consider and rigorously test any sweeping changes to existing health care laws.

Call to urge an open, sensible, and compassionate process for this crucial legislation. Call to protect care for all people, and for stronger protections for middle-income Americans.

Call to urge your Senators to vote No on the final passage of any ACA repeal!.
