Bishops say Church has failed children, women, and indigenous peoples

By Gavin Drake
Posted Nov 28, 2016

[Anglican Communion News Service] A group of Anglican and Roman Catholic bishops have acknowledged both churches’ failure to protect children, women and indigenous peoples. In a statement issued by the International Anglican Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission (IARCCUM) on Nov. 25 following the group’s historic meeting in Canterbury and Rome last month, the leaders call on the Church to repent and seek justice for victims. They say that, “at the foot of the Cross we, as bishops, have reflected on an ‘ecumenism of humiliation.’ We lament our failures and share the brokenness of our church communities.”

Full article.


Comments (2)

  1. Susan Liang says:

    The church feeling self-pity and perhaps foreboding at the American elections?

    A little too late. At minimum 36,500 days and nights of victim suffering ignored, too late.

    Wrend your hearts not your clothes, remember?
    An “offering of beef” won’t do a thing.

    Sitting in an easy chair and apologizing? Not good enough.

  2. Louis L. Smith says:

    What about Gender Victimization?

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