Archbishop of Congo steps down

Posted Mar 11, 2016

[Anglican Communion News Service] The Archbishop of Congo, the Most Revd Henri Isingoma, has stepped down, the Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo (Anglican Church of Congo) announced today. Archbishop Henri, who is also Bishop of Kinshasa, has taken the decision to have a health improvement break and return to theological academia.

His resignation comes three years before the completion of his second five-year term of office; and seven years before the usual retirement age of 65 in the Anglican Church of Congo.

The Archbishop has served Katanga, Boga and Kinshasa dioceses as bishop.

“He has worked hard [and] contributed so much to the Christian unity, transparent and apolitical management of the Anglican Church of Congo,” the provincial secretary, the Venerable Anthonio Kibwela, said.

Mr Kibwela said that Archbishop Henri had worked to develop the province’s management with the aim of “effective growth and its viability” and that he had built “missionary partnerships” with churches and organizations of the Anglican Communion worldwide, the Church of Christ in Congo and the Ecumenical Council of Churches.

“He had always expressed his interest for the joint initiative of the Anglican Church of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi and Rwanda with the Association of the Catholic Episcopal Conferences of Central Africa (ACEAC) to establish peace in the Great Lakes’ region,” Mr Kibwela said. “He and his wife Madam Mugisa Isingoma Godelive have been involved in fighting against Gender Based Violence since 2004.”

The Dean of the Anglican Church of Congo, the Rt Revd Funga Lambert, the Bishop of Kisangani, will convene a meeting of the House of Bishops in May to elect a new Archbishop.

Until then, “the outgoing Archbishop is working hand-in-hand with the Dean until the new Archbishop is elected,” Mr Kibwela said, adding a request for prayers for the province during the transition.


Comments (2)

  1. Leon Spencer says:

    ++Isingoma has served the Church well and faithfully. May he find a time of rest, and then… I am delighted to see that he wishes to return to service in ministerial formation. His work at the theological college in Bunia was when I first knew him, and he was an excellent member of the Governing Council of ANITEPAM, the African Anglican theological education network, for many years. Well done, good and faithful servant.

  2. Rev Prof Kahwa Njojo says:

    The Archbishop Isingoma retires while the church still need him to lead the people of God. His involvement in spiritual growth and socio-economic development of the church is remarkable through its partnerships, local mobilisation and education. His involvement in the training demonstrates its concern to consolidate a stable church, mature and able to continue the mission. Pray that God will raise another servant who will not only unite the people, promote spirituality and evangelization, and characterized by humility to the glory of God.

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